Saturday, November 10, 2012

Book of the week: "Lovely, Dark, And Deep" [11-10-12]

When I saw this book in Barnes & Noble last week, I was immediately attracted to it, because of the beautiful cover, and the title (A quote from a Robert Frost poem, "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening")

I began reading Lovely, Dark and Deep the afternoon I purchased it, and was hooked. This artistically captivating novel by Amy McNamara is about a 18 year old girl who is held back by her horrid past. Wren Wells, formally known as Mamie, lives with her father (an artist) in Maine. She went to live with him after the death of her boyfriend, and has not been the same since. When she meets Cal, a boy who almost hits her in his car while she was biking who has MS, she begins to see thing from a new perspective.

This book was found in the "Young Adult" section, but the themes and emotions make it a wonderful read for even adults.(I'd say ages 14+.)

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